Compassion Tree has moved to Vermont!
For mamas and nurturers anywhere in the world:
Or learn more about my current offerings here.
Megumi’s nurturing massage is tailored to address your specific needs. She draws from her background as a doula and pregnancy/postpartum yoga and movement instructor.
Sessions may integrate support for emotions and resourcing yourself to meet the challenges of this time and life overall.
VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing and self-healing practices may be used, to support your wellness on all levels.
Pregnancy & Postpartum Massage

Emotionally and energetically attuned bodywork for your whole being.
Soothe and prevent pregnancy discomforts while supporting hormonal balance and lymphatic flow, for your and baby’s physical and emotional well-being.
Support your healing and adjustment in the weeks and months after birth by improving circulation and lymphatic flow, supporting hormonal and emotional balance, easing pains and taking some quiet time for yourself.
VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing

I use VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing to support you to find an easier time just being you, with safety and understanding – especially for empaths and sensitive people.
This healing can complement your massage, or we can do more focused healing with these powerful tools.
Megumi works with individuals of any gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, spirituality or religion.
®”VortexHealing” is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit